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3523 Blue Springs Road
Strawberry Plains, TN, 37871
United States


Simply the best in natural personal care.

Smoky Mountain Chai


The premier place to shop for clean, healthy, and effective personal care products!

Smoky Mountain Chai


Smoky Mountain Chai


Our Smoky Mountain Chai (Alli’s favorite) has an irresistible combination of spices and red rooibos that come together as the perfect cup of warm, healthy comfort. The herbs and spices in our chai are rich in minerals and antioxidants, are anti-inflammatory, support the immune system, promote good digestion and can calm an upset stomach or nausea. Not to mention, it just plain makes you feel better.

Net Wt 3oz (85g) - approximately 22 servings

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We want to share our family’s favorite herbal tea blends with you! Our chai is made with flavorful red rooibos tea and hearty spices that warm both body and soul. Containing no caffeine, sugar, or flavorings, it is the perfect healthy alternative to pre-made commercial chai.

You really can’t get a more comforting drink, especially in the cold months! Plus, these herbs have such amazing health and medicinal benefits! My favorite way to drink this is to steep it in a small amount of water for 15 minutes so it’s good and strong. Then I add very warm, raw milk (full fat), a little bit of pure vanilla extract, and sweeten with maple syrup. Sit down next to the fire with a cozy blanket and a hot cup of creamy chai... it doesn’t get better than this! (I have Nate almost convinced that it’s as good as coffee...almost.)
— Alli Huff (Honey Dew Naturals owner)

100% ORGANIC INGREDIENTS: red rooibos, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, star anise

NOTE: At Honey Dew Naturals©, our brand is not certified organic; however, every ingredient is certified organic with a few exceptions. Some of our herbs are organically grown and harvested or wild-harvested right here on our farm. We take pride in using only the best ingredients. What is not grown here is sourced ethically from sustainable, organic producers.